Face Shield Mask

Face Shield

Face Shield

These face shields are designed to be a quick and easy way to protect professionals from environmental contaminants and preserve N95 masks. Crafted from PETG plastic, the face shields provide a solid and durable protective layer that can be disinfected and used repeatedly over time. The shields come with a forehead mount and an adjustable elastic band that creates a one-size-fits-all fit. Face shields reduce inhalation exposure by 96% and surface contamination of respirators by 97% in the period immediately following a cough. Manufactured by ABC Imaging. ABC Imaging Face Shields are fully compliant with OSHA regulations. Comes as singles.

Part Number: AX17416
Dimensions: 12.387″ wide, 10.5″ high
Fastening Type: Headband 10.6″ wide, 1″ high
Manufacturer: ABC Imaging Washington, Inc.
Material: PETG plastic
Package Quantity: Singles