Estimate the local corneal curvature in combination with a keratoscope.

Perform limbal relaxing incisions.

Precisely size and shape capsulorhexis and align the IOL on the visual axis provided by the IOLMaster .

Position incisions, optionally on the steep axis; add opposite clear cornea incision and paracenteses.
Markerless toric IOL alignment
Starting with a biometry reference image from the IOLMaster® from ZEISS, data is transferred smoothly to ZEISS CALLISTO eye. This data is used to create overlays in the eyepiece. Save time, increase efficiency and reduce residual astigmatism when you:
- skip manual preoperative marking
- skip manual data transfer
- skip manual intraoperative marking
Convenient data management
HD video recording and photos that include assistance functions meet demanding requirements in quality management, teaching and for presentations. Import patient lists via a network connection and DICOM modality worklist or USB stick. Export videos and photos via a DICOM network connection or USB stick. Your OR team can easily follow the surgery thanks to the full-screen live video.