True color
For differential diagnosis and documentation
CLARUS™ 500, the newest ultra-widefield retinal camera from ZEISS, allows clinicians to use color to their diagnostic advantage. ZEISS CLARUS™ 500 generates images that closely resemble the coloration of the fundus as seen during clinical examination. Color fundus imaging can aid in the diagnosis and documentation of ocular disease, ensuring confidence when evaluating the optic disc, nevi and lesions where color is important.

True color
True color images can be separated into red, green and blue channel images, enhancing the visual contrast of details in certain layers of the retina. Color accuracy aids in the documentation and diagnosis of ocular disease.

Red channel
Red channel images reveal the choroid in more detail. This can be helpful in visualizing choroidal lesions such as nevi or tumors.

Green channel
Green channel images provide excellent contrast of the retina, especially of vasculature and hemorrhages.

Blue channel
Blue channel images increase visibility of the anterior retinal layers, allowing easier visualization of the retinal nerve fiber layer and epiretinal membranes.
From the macula to the periphery with ONE system
Legacy ultra-widefield imaging systems require doctors to maintain a traditional high-resolution fundus camera for optic nerve and macular disease diagnosis and management. CLARUS™ 500 from ZEISS is the first and only fundus imaging system to provide true color and clarity within an ultra-wide field of view, enabling clinicians to capture high-resolution fundus images from macula to the far periphery.
Watch Jean-François Korobelnik, MD, University of Bordeaux, France share his experience using the CLARUS™ 500.

A stable and neutral head and chin rest brings the optics to the patient, facilitating an easier and more comfortable scan.

The ability to swivel the device between the right and left eye helps technicians capture a high quality image without realigning the patient.
Fewer recaptures with Live IR Preview
The Live IR Preview in ZEISS CLARUS™ 500 allows the technician to optimize alignment – intervene with lid and lash, and remove image artifacts before capturing an image. The result is fewer image captures for the patient and a more efficient imaging process for the practice.